
Spring is near, never mind the snow…

It’s a partly cloudy 34.5 degrees on this beautiful snow-covered morning.   One day after a nice 5-6 inch blanket of fresh snow the melt has begun (again).  Even though March is just around the corner I haven’t been super-motivated to get the garden seeds started.  Besides the lengthening days, spring just doesn’t feel that near.  This all changes today! A few weeks…


Strawberry blossoms already?

For the last month the weather here has been unseasonably warm and sunny.  This has given the berries a great running start.  While watering the containers today, after another fine day in the mid eighties, I had a few exciting surprises waiting for me… 1.) The strawberry blossoms are starting already.  There are only four, so far, but…

food homestead

Growhouse tumbles…

When I got home from work today I was surprised to find the growhouse on its side with all of its contents scattered upon the ground around it. I thought I paid particular attention when I placed it down wind of the log rack, and even monitored it during some breezy evening earlier this week.  It appeared to…

food homestead

A Blueberry Dilemma

Blueberry blossoms- How long do they last? The Chippewas have already started!  It looks like there’s going to be dozens of blossoms in the days and weeks to come. While this is exciting, the situation is bitter-sweet.  I don’t have another variety (required for pollination) anywhere near ready.   The Dukes are the closest and they are just now starting to set buds.…


Sunday’s Random Thoughts

Just a couple a random thoughts as I relax and enjoy this beautiful rainy day… Springtime lawn destruction: Where’s the logic in ‘rolling’ the lawn? Over the last few days at least three of my neighbors fired up their riding mowers and dragged a large, heavy lawn roller around their properties.  As I watched, I asked…


The Growhouse has arrived!

 After several weeks on a rainchecked backorder, my growhouse finally arrived!  I purchased it from the local DoItBest hardware store.  It’s a “Grow It 4 Tier Growhouse” from Gardman USA, Inc. of Kennesaw, GA. We’ve had some cold nights and breezy days lately.  It’s nice to finally get the plants out in the sunlight and not have to worry about the windchill shocking…