Homestead projects

Container Garden- Week 03- Update and lessons learned

This past week has been full of minor garden related activities and some lessons learned. First, all of the berries have been planted  into their containers.  We currently have three different blueberry varieties, two raspberries, and one strawberry container. Blueberries- For nearly all blueberries, it is critical to have multiple varieties for efficient pollination.  I thought I…

homestead Uncategorized

Garden Addition- Container Berry Patch

We have recently expanded our container garden to include some strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries. Last year I planted a couple of two-year-old blueberry plants, only to have them flounder through the summer and get nearly destroyed by winter-starved bunnies.   These both appear to have made it through the winter alive.  I’ve transplanted them into containers and…


An evening in the landscape

It’s amazing how wonderful a sunny evening and 42-degrees F feels after a long, cold, snowy winter.  As simple a task as cutting down some ornamental grasses was, it felt so incredibly relaxing and refreshing. With my ever-expanding awareness of Permaculture and landscape design, I now view our landscape in a totally new light.  I’ve become more aware of the beautiful, living, breathing, evolving ecological canvas…

food Homestead projects Stuff I've made Survival and Preparedness

Starting the 2010 container garden from seed…

I’ve got the first round of seeds started for the 2010 container garden. The first set of seed starts includes several variety of tomatos, sweet and hot peppers, salad green blends, green beans, and zucchini.  I’ll be planting some ever-bearing strawberries in hanging strawberry planters very soon. I made the starter pots out of toilet paper rolls. …