
Return of the puzzle…

With summer drifting into autumn the days are shorter, the nights cooler, and the pace of life seems a little more relaxed. This IS my favorite season! After taking a break from puzzling for the summer, autumn reinvigorated my interest to complete the 5000 piece goal I set for this year. Puzzle three, which was…


The Kitty’s Garden

  With all of the garden and landscape preparation that’s been going on around here lately I figured it was only fair that we plant something for kitty to enjoy.  While at the local hardware store a few weeks ago I picked up some Livingston Seed Co. “Cat Grass”.  Come to find out, it’s just Triticum aestivum, also known as common wheat…


Puzzle complete

On the surface it may appear that working on puzzles is just an old fashioned waste of time.   Much to my surprise I’ve found it to be an extremely relaxing  and thought provoking experience. Living a life surrounded by technology and computers, I find myself longing for the low tech.  This has helped fuel…



In this fast-paced, technology driven world I’ve recently re-discovered the enjoyment of putting together jigsaw puzzles. During a recent visit to Walmart, I picked up a couple of 1000 piece puzzles. What a great way to unwind after a stressful day at work. I was pleased (and honestly surprised) to see that Buffalo Games manufactures…