General homestead

Weather Station Ordered!

After years of wanting one, today I finally ordered a ‘real’ home weather station. I’ve had some small wireless La Cross indoor/outdoor thermometers for years, but they only monitor indoor/outdoor temperature and, the most recent one, indoor humidity.  A major disadvantage of these inexpensive transmitters was the inability to get an accurate reading when the sun would shine directly on the outdoor sensors.   They…

Homestead projects

Container Garden- Week 03- Update and lessons learned

This past week has been full of minor garden related activities and some lessons learned. First, all of the berries have been planted  into their containers.  We currently have three different blueberry varieties, two raspberries, and one strawberry container. Blueberries- For nearly all blueberries, it is critical to have multiple varieties for efficient pollination.  I thought I…


Posting topics in the works

Another of my 2010 goals is to publish at least one blog post each week.  This post is to serve as my motivator to keep up with my blogging.   The original intention of “SPISBLOG’s Journal” was to chronicle things that sparked my interest, things I was doing or researching, and to share some of my knowledge and experience with anyone who might…