General homestead

Weather Station Ordered!

Ambient Weather WS-1080

After years of wanting one, today I finally ordered a ‘real’ home weather station.

I’ve had some small wireless La Cross indoor/outdoor thermometers for years, but they only monitor indoor/outdoor temperature and, the most recent one, indoor humidity.  A major disadvantage of these inexpensive transmitters was the inability to get an accurate reading when the sun would shine directly on the outdoor sensors.   They are also a bit limited in their range.

The weather station I just ordered is an Ambient Weather WS-1080 Wireless Home Weather Station w/ Data Logging.

It outputs to a  touch screen panel or to a computer for display and logging of in and outdoor temperature (with highs and lows), in and outdoor humidity (with highs and lows), rainfall  (1hr, 24hr, week, month, etc), windchill, dew point, wind direction (displayed on a compass), weather forecast arrows, alarms (including storm warnings), plus more.

One of the coolest parts is the ability to log the data on a PC.  I can also publish the data to a website or upload to a number of online community weather monitoring sites, if I so choose.

This seems like a pretty complete package for my needs and budget.  I ordered the Ambient Weather WS-1080, which includes the panel and the four sensors for $99US.  I also added an SRS100LX temperature and humidity radiation shield for an extra $39US.

Optional Solar Shield

This should provide me with a good base to learn about weather logging.  I can’t wait for it to arrive.

I ordered it from Ambient Weather.

Related links:

Weather Underground

Ambient Weather

Direct link to the WS-1080

2 thoughts on “Weather Station Ordered!”

  1. How is your WS1080 weather station performing? are you uploading to weather underground and if so where do I find your station. I’m thinking of ordering this unit also

    1. Hi Jim,

      I don’t publish to weather underground (yet), but I have been playing with the cumulus published webpages. These are mostly default pages that I’ll be customizing, when time permits.

      I’ve been very happy with the unit. Well worth the money! If you do get one, get the larger heat shield. It makes a big difference.

      I don’t have the data constantly feeding (yet), but here’s the link…

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