Food and Drink Food Preservation

How to Make Dehydrated Watermelon Chips


Hmmm, what to do with all of this seemingly endless watermelon…  How about making some dehydrated watermelon chips?

I call them chips but they’re more like super-sweet and crispy watermelony candies!

The flavor’s faintly similar to a Jolly Rancher watermelon candy, but without the mouth full of slimy corn syrup goo.

Making the chips was extremely simple-

1.) Slice the watermelon into 1/2inch thick slices and remove any visible seeds (optional).

2.) Load the dehdrator and run it at 135 degrees.


3.) After 8-12 hours, turn the chips over

4.) after another 8-12 hours, turn off the dehydrator and let the chips cool.  When first turning off the dehydrator the chips will be dry but still soft and flexible.  After they cool down they will became very brittle and crispy.

5.) Transfer the chips to an air-tight container (avoiding eating them all first!).

6.) Enjoy your homemade, all natural treat!

Oh yeah, and be sure to share some with family and friends.

These were such a wonderful success that I suspect there will be several vacuum sealed bags of watermelon chips in our deep freeze for the long, cold, watermelon-less winter.


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