
PFT 001: Introduction

Episode 1- Introduction


This introductory episode of the PrepForToday podcast provides some objectives for the podcast and a brief introduction of myself.

The primary objective for this blog and podcast is to deliver valuable information and resources that can help you better prepare for many of life’s emergencies.

Life’s emergencies come in all shapes, sizes, and frequencies. By educating ourselves on a wide range of topics ahead of a disaster, we can often handle the aftermath of the disaster more effectively and with less stress, often times with reduced cost in time and resources.

The blog posts and podcasts will cover a wide range of topics. We’ll be covering the core preparedness topics like food, shelter, energy, health, well-being, and financial preparedness. Not to mention the disaster recovery and hazard preparedness- both naturally occurring and man-made.

Realizing that disasters aren’t limited to our home lives, we will also have topics dedicated to our businesses and organizations. For starters, these topics will include developing some business continuity strategies and business-specific disaster preparedness and mitigation plans.

With all of these great topics on the horizon, there are other topic areas we will intentionally stay away from. Politics, religion, and conspiracy theories.

Everybody has their own opinions and beliefs and I respect that. These topics are well covered in plenty of other places.

By now you may be asking “who is Steve White and what does he know about disaster recovery and preparedness?”.

Well, I’m Steve White. I am a certified Project Manager specializing in Information Technology, Finance, and Business process. I have over fifteen years of project management and business leadership experience, including new business development.

My primary areas of focus are Process Design, Process Improvement, System Design, System Implementation, Risk Mitigation, and Disaster Recovery Planning.

I have been personally practicing preparedness planning and disaster recovery mitigation for more than twenty years.

The combination of my professional and personal experience, plus my preparedness theories, which I’ll be outing in future episodes and blog posts, helps lay the foundation for this podcast and blog.

There’s plenty of great information on the way. If you have not already, please subscribe to the blog and to the podcast in iTunes.


Thank you,


Please leave a comment or email me at steve (at) prepfortoday.com with any questions, suggestions, or feedback. Your input helps improve this resource for everybody.

