Dehydration Food Preservation Videos

Preserving Mushrooms through Dehydration

One of my favorite foods also happens to be one of the quickest and easiest to dehydrate- mushrooms!

From time to time the grocery store will run some awesome sales on fresh mushrooms.  Why not take advantage of these opportunity buys and stock up?

Can’t eat them all before them start to go bad- no problem-dehydrate them!

Dehydrated mushrooms will store for a long, long, time and take up very little room.  The process is quick, easy and inexpensive.


To clean the mushrooms rinse them with cold water, wiping off any remaining growing medium. Quickly wipe them dry using a cotton cloth or paper towel. Leaving them wet may result in the mushrooms turning a little brown while drying.  This is just cosmetic but can easily be avoided.  An alternative to rinsing is to wipe them off with a damp paper towel.

Slice the dry mushrooms in one-quarter to half-inch slices and load a densely packed single layer on each dehydrator tray.

Run the dehydrator at 95-100 degrees for six to twelve hours, checking them every few hours. They are ready when the mushrooms are light and brittle and snap when bent.


Your tasty mushrooms can be stored in any type of moisture proof container. I prefer to use wide mouth mason jars for the mushrooms we keep in the kitchen pantry. For long term storage I prefer to store them in vacuum sealed bags.

Your supply of freshly dehydrated mushrooms can be stored for a very long… Enjoy!


What are some of your favorite things to dehydrate?  Please leave a comment and let me know!